Banksy's Big Day

It’s really another “Klohe’s Hair Day" entry, but this time I brought Banksy along in the hopes she’ll not go coo-coo when a hairless Klohe suddenly shows up a home.

Banksy came to us as an 8-week old kitten, and hasn’t been ANYWHERE other than the Vet which is literally a two-minute drive from home.

Klohe sat quietly in her carry case for the half-hour drive to see Joanne Parker at ItzaClip! in Olds, Alberta. Banksy meowed. And cried. And spun around and around in her carry case for the first half of the trip pushing at the top and sides with her feet, hoping to get out. She finally settled down a little, occasionally meowing loudly to remind me she is not having a good time.

We dropped Klohe off to get shaved, and then I let Banksy out of her carry case inside the Rav and let her run around and check out the scenery just outside the windows.

Cat Scratch Fever

After Klohe’s “trim", we discovered that something has been going on in the night when the human’s aren’t looking. So we packed everyone back up in the carry cases, and made the half-hour trip back home.

And Banksy meowed. And cried. Poor Banksy :-(

The moral of the story #1: I’m going to take Banksy on a few short trips in the next little while to see if she can relax a little in the car. I guess I should have been doing that since she was a kitten.

The moral of the story #2: Banksy has been pretty aggressive with Klohe for awhile now, chasing her a little here and there and generally being a little sh*t at times. But now we can see the evidence of scratch marks on poor Klohe :-(

So at night, Banksy is sent to the front of the building for the night, separated from the rest of us by a door. With her own water, food, litter box and of course bed.

She still wears a bell on her collar at all times, but now during the day if she starts staring at Klohe and sizing her up, Banksy gets one more accessory to complete her ensemble.